I have been painting in one form or another for most of my life. I was a practicing chiropractor for 10 years until my life was changed dramatically by the diagnosis Multiple Sclerosis. Only then did I start to share my work in shows and presentations which led me to teach and share the fun and beauty of art.
Good question. Some paintings have been living as a dream in my head for years before I am brave enough to put them to paper. Others come from my travels and some from my love of nature and the humour that is found in the world's creatures.
If you aren't having fun, you're doing something wrong. Everyone can express themselves in one way or another and you simply can't take yourself too seriously. One of my favourite artist-teachers once said "It's just a piece of paper" I am constantly amazed at how a blank piece of white paper can become something of depth and feeling; something to inspire or arouse laughter. Never be afraid to give it a go. Don't be intimidated by rules or voices of criticism. Let go and enjoy yourself!! I laugh while I paint, while I teach and most of all when I make mistakes!